Google Introduction 3 min Video

So you want to market online using Google but not sure where to start. This 3 minute video explains the different areas of the Google results and the different techniques needed to get your site listed on Google.

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[sniplet googleintro]

[sniplet 3minvideosignup]

Facebook – Any value for business?

I have just started evaluating  a next generation (web 2.0) website. Does it have any business value?

Facebook is a better version of MySpace (which is great for those marketing to sub 22 year olds). My first impressions are that it is becoming very active with a range of ages with varied interests. Facebook allows people to create a profile page about themselves as well as creating groups on topics of interest that can be discovered by anyone else on Facebook.

Looking at the current groups it is easy to find business topics like accounting, marketing etc. It does however seem early days for the site in turns of in depth content and promotional activities.

I will be at least a month evaluating the possibilities for gaining new customers, boosting your search engine rankings etc and i will let you all know my findings.

[tags]facebook,business marketing[/tags]

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