Adding Google Maps To Your Website

If you take a look at our contact us page you will notice we have added a google map of our location right into the web page. Despite having a nice little guide book free with a Sunday paper (a mini ‘Dummies’  guide) this was no task for a dummy. While it did not take long, it was by no means straight forward.

Initially I added a little popup with our opening times on which was fun, now feeling brave I have added the ‘to here’ and ‘from here’ directions links, which is much more useful. I will create a little ‘how to’  video but it may be beyond the average business person.

Google – you still have some work to do on this to make it accessible to the non-techie designer, even  a techie had problems!

Your About Us Page – A Missed Opportunity?

You might be missing a trick on your about us/contact us page! I will certainly be revising my about us page after reading Stoney deGeyter’s article "5 Easy Ways to Make Your About Us Page More About Your Customers". Stoney points out that people looking seriously at your business often go to the about us page to confirm you are trust worthy not here today gone tomorrow. It is important to get this right to boost your conversion. Stoney takes a great look at the parts that make up a top about us page. Well worth a look.

Should I advertise on a particular website

As you search for places to market your website you will come across lots of offers to advertise on particular websites. The marketing for the site tells you it has tons of hits, visitors etc but you don’t have to trust everything they say. With a little simple checking you can work out if a website has a reasonable amount of traffic and how it compares with similar websites.

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Creative design from Kent

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